How We Do It

Decide to Bid
Source a Tender Opportunity – Where do you even start to look for tenders? We can help you find and get registered on the tendering websites and to source opportunities online for your company.

Get Started
Build a Response Template – Leave it to us to create a tender template for you in MS Word, cutting through the bureaucracy and getting you on the road to tendering success.

Get it Written
Write and Edit Bid Content – With our background in procurement, we know what it takes to write for tendering success. It’s a skill of its own—distinct from other sales and marketing content. Let us write your story!

Make it Shine
Format the Final Document – We’ll format the final bid document to within an inch of its life—making the submission easy to navigate and giving the evaluators an attractive and easy-to-read tender document. Always best to keep those folks on side.